Story Time Brings Local Authors and Creativity Together

Kolina Cicero

This Sunday, February 19th, local author Kolina Cicero will be at Forgotten Star Brewing Co. for Story Time at the Brewery!

Story Time at the Brewery is a monthly children’s literary event co-hosted by North Suburban Center for the Arts and Forgotten Star Brewing Company. Each month, a local author reads one of their books aloud, alongside staff-led songs and opportunities for movement. And, to help lift the story off the page and into children’s imaginations, authors develop a special craft related to the story.

Kolina’s children’s book Rosie and the Hobby Farm is filled with whimsical depictions of friendly farm characters, including a jewel-eyed cat, spotted pup, and sweet mud-covered pig—all who share special lessons with the main character Rosie. Celebrating these special friends, this month’s craft will focus on animals—inspired by the story’s illustrations completed by Vietnam-based artist Khoa Le.

Writing this book was a personal process for Kolina, who felt attracted to the farm as the story’s backdrop for its ability to host a full cast of animal characters. She also took inspiration from a previous stay at a hobby farm, where she met a llama named Selma—which led to a deeper understanding of llamas and their mutual care for one another. “I guess it stuck with me!”

“The farm served as a landscape for me to tell a story about diversity through animals.“

Recalling her favorite part of the publishing process, Kolina highlighted the positive impact of her book on her children. “The best part has been my daughter watching as her mother wrote, created, and placed something she dreamed about into bookstores and libraries,” Kolina recalled. “I think it's important for her and my son (who was born one month after my book was published) to know that their mom is pursuing her passions—and when they see my book at the library, it's a great reminder of what hard work can do.”

From completing a Kickstarter campaign, to selling the book and asking stores to carry it, writing Rosie and the Hobby Farm allowed Kolina to fully step out of her comfort zone. “Writing it is the easy part, it's everything that comes after it that takes hard work.”

Bring your littles and hear Kolina tell Rosie’s story at Forgotten Star Brewing Co. this Sunday, February 19th. The event begins at 11am. Click here for more details.


P.S. Fun fact about Kolina: she speaks Italian!

I have an absolute affinity for Italy. It's the place I feel most myself—the most creative, most adventurous, most inspired.

Follow Kolina on Instagram @kolinacicero


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